Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Web + 10 Content

"We need to preface this all by saying that we all believe in basic journalistic standards."
-- Ron James (managing online editor,


"The biggest thing we all keep coming back to is choice."

-- Elaine Zinngrabe, assistant general manager and exectuve producer of the Los Angeles Times

We must give users a choice:
  • any platform or delivery method
  • multiple sources
  • any subject matter
  • must be relevant to user
  • when and where
  • available on-demand
  • Utility

    "My RSS reader *is* my filter."
    -- BBC reporter Kevin Anderson (when asked if journalists should act as information filters)

    We must provide utility -- our content must:

  • be useful
  • must make life easier or more efficient
  • be actionable
  • include databases, traffic, weather, yellow pages
  • be evolving to continually meet the needs or our users

  • Expand the role of the journalist

    "I never went to journalism school -- I learned from osmosis. You learn the value of telling the truth."
    -- Tom Regan (associate editor of The Christian Science Monitor

    We must maintain and expand the role of the journalist:

  • think in mulitiple channels
  • be a storyteller, using a new set of tools to make the story richer
  • look to the edges of content for inspiration
  • place emphasis on fairness
  • report the collective truth

  • Citizen Journalists

    "Can journalists become smart mobloggers?"

    -- Theresa Moore, executive producer of web content for WTSP-TV Tampa Bay's 10

    We must acknowledge citizen journalists:

  • recognize that they hit niches
  • respect that they have some leverage
  • they can be additional eyes and ears
  • they provide checks, balances and alternative points of view

  • Flexibilty

    "We have no idea how they are really going to acccess us in five years." -- Jessica Barron, senior editor, Yahoo! Inc.

    We must be flexible:

  • web content will always be a dynamic situation
  • we should try new things and be open to new forms of content
  • t is in our best interest to adapt, adopt and embrace new technologies