Web + 10 Content
"We need to preface this all by saying that we all believe in basic journalistic standards."
-- Ron James (managing online editor, SignOnSanDiego.com)
This blog was created as an assignment for Poynter's "Web + 10: The Future of Online Journalism" seminar
"We need to preface this all by saying that we all believe in basic journalistic standards."
-- Ron James (managing online editor, SignOnSanDiego.com)
"My RSS reader *is* my filter."
We must provide utility -- our content must:
"I never went to journalism school -- I learned from osmosis. You learn the value of telling the truth."
We must maintain and expand the role of the journalist:
"Can journalists become smart mobloggers?"
We must acknowledge citizen journalists:
"We have no idea how they are really going to acccess us in five years." -- Jessica Barron, senior editor, Yahoo! Inc.
We must be flexible: